Combifloat C5 Modular Road Transportable Pontoons
Download a full PDF vessel specsheet here
General Particullars |
C5 Quadra float units – Each 12.2m X 3.05m X 1.52m |
C5 Duo float units – Each 6.1m x 3.05m x 1.52m |
Dimensions can be any combination of the above units as per customer spec and requirements once it forms a safe platform which meets stability criteria. |
Barge assembly layout can be altered to suit customers’ requirements. (I.e. Extra Moon pools) |
Capacities |
Max Deck Load: 15000Kg / M² |
Auxiliaries |
Spudlegs – Supplied as Required |
Crane – Grove Hydraulic Cranes Supplied as Required |
Further Features |
Hydraulic Winches, Warp and Delta Flipper Anchors can be supplied as required. |
Loadline and Loadline exemptions included as required to meet the operational requirements of the jurisdiction. |
Ideally suited to Site investigations, piling, crane work and horizontal directional drilling projects. |
Units are fully road transportable and are supplied with full complement of required |